Felipe at Roncador (1982) after a heavy rain
Felipe Wasser tinha como amigo o Fleury, dono da Cachoeira do Roncador, em São José dos Campos, e todos nos íamos até lá com uma boa freqüência, desde quando o clube era apenas um projeto.
Felipe Wasser had as Friend called Fleury, owner of a place called Waterfall Roncador, in Sao Jose dos Campos, and we all went there with a good frequency, since when the club was just a project.
Felipe trims the grass before a holiday full of people (apr, 1986)
Felipe sempre levava diversos amigos para conhecer o local, que conta com uma cachoeira muito bacana.
Felipe always took several friends to visit the place, which has a very nice waterfall.
Quando chegava um feriado, Fleury ficava preocupado com os turistas que fatalmente iriam escorregar no limo que se formava naturalmente nas pedras, e lá estava Felipe um dia antes para escovar as pedras, para que não ocorressem escorregões e ferimentos entre os freqüentadores do local.
When it was a holiday, Fleury was worried about the tourists that would inevitably slip in the slime that is formed naturally in rocks, and Felipe always arrived there one day before to brush the stones, so that no slippage occurred and injuries among visitors to the site.
Felipe's son (1985)
Outra paixão era a tirolesa que Felipe fazia amarrando a corda ao seu jeep, conforme as fotos.
Another passion was the tyrolean that Felipe tied the rope to his jeep, as shown in the pictures.
Ainda me lembro quando o cometa Halley passaria perto de nosso planeta, e Felipe improvisou um observatório num morro a alguns metros acima da cachoeira (conforme a foto), onde se reuniu em uma noite, sob sua coordenação, muitos amigos astrônomos amadores, em um evento que ficou vivo na memória de quem participou.
I remember when Halley's comet was going to pass near our planet, and Felipe improvised an observatory on a hill a few yards above the waterfall (as pictured), where he met one night, under his direction, many friends amateur astronomers, in a event which become fresh in the minds of those who participated.
Preparing the amateur observatory to see the comet Halley apr, 1986)
Ainda hoje me impressiono com a capacidade que meu pai possuía de se converter de desportista a astrônomo, de astrônomo a intelectual, de intelectual a explorador, e por aí vai...
Even now I’m impressed with the ability that my father had to turn from sportsman to an astronomer, astronomer to an intellectual, an intellectual to an explorer, and so on...
amateur hovercraft on the river's fish